Hop2Shop is a shopping app with a special loyalty club.Hop2Shop is a shopping app with a special loyalty club, where you will find fashion trends, the
Hop2Shop is a shopping app with a special loyalty club.
Hop2Shop is a shopping app with a special loyalty club, where you will find fashion trends, the most interesting products, culinary inspirations. There are also the best promotional offers from the shops of your favourite brands waiting for you.
Interactive map will help you find the best places for shopping.
While going through the offers, You can keep your favourite ones in the app so the app will remind you about them when you are in the store.
You can also invite your friends to use the app and connect with them so you will be able to share your favourite finds in the shops with them or recommend them super offers.
Now with the app you will also have your loyalty cards always with you as you can scan them and keep them inside the app.
The scanner which is in the app will allow you scaning the codes from the products so you will be able to join competitions and obtain points that we prepared for you.
The points you will be able to exchange into awards.